Photography for brokers

The Laws of Light

In most cases, the more light there is, the better. It doesn't matter if it's natural or artificial, it's a very important component for quality photos. The only exception is if it creates flare in your lens. Turn your lighting on and if there are areas that remain in shadow, supplement with working lighting fixtures. Light is different in every room, which is why you can take the photos at different times of the day. This requires more effort, but pays off many times over by getting really good photos. 

Consider the light when taking photos outdoors too. Most such photos look better if they are taken at an angle rather than in portrait. You also don't want the light coming from behind the house or block you're photographing because that creates glare in your lens. Ideally, the sun should be behind you and illuminating your subject. 

The right angles 

Your goal should be to create interesting images that pique the curiosity of the potential buyer. Always avoid photographing more than two walls in a room. If you photograph three walls, it creates a "box effect" and the rooms appear smaller. Always shoot above chest level or even higher.

Creating nice pictures is actually an art, not a science. You should make sure you have one for every property in your listing. Thanks to digital photography, you can take a myriad of photos from which you can then choose which ones to process and use. There are numerous easy to use quality processing programs available these days.

Without a doubt, property capture is one of the most important elements of any listing and of your marketing strategy. 86% of the people who buy properties claim that the photos they view at the beginning are actually the reason they decide to view a property.

Consider hiring a professional photographer to take the photos for you. To make it easier to decide, you can see the pros and cons of taking your own photos:

Pros of taking your own photos

Quick results - Obviously, it's much quicker to take the photos of the property yourself. You won't go through the hassle of arranging with the photographer or waiting for him to process them. 

Comes out much cheaper - If you take your own photos, you can definitely save money that you would otherwise spend on photography services.

Ownership of the photos - Some photographers demand to retain the rights to the photos. In these situations, you can only use them for your listings, and the photographer makes sure no one else uses them because of copyright. 

Cons of taking your own photos

Quality of photos - Unless you've done a photography course, you won't be able to achieve the same quality of photos as a professional.

Takes away from your time - It's true that if you take your own photos you'll have them faster, but that means spending valuable time creating them. Time where you can focus on closing deals.

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